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Mexican Clothing Guide

When people talk about Mexican clothing, there are a few things that come to mind. Mexican Fun Costumes First, there are the traditional costumes to wear in a fun party or during Halloween. These types of garments are simple representations of Mexican folklore typically used with a Mexican sarape or Mexican hat.

Mexican Outfits
Second, there are the real Mexican outfits used by Mexicans in celebrations, traditional parties or events. Examples of this type of clothing are the ones used by Mexican charros (Mexican cowboys) or mariachi bands, and also the typical Adelita dresses with colorful ribbons used in traditional dancing.

Mexican Traditional Clothing
Then we have the Mexican traditional clothing which are the styles inherited by the past generations of the indigenous communities which evolved through the Spanish colonization. These garments are original, and full of history. These items are huipils (typical blouse), rebozos (shawls) and typical tunic dresses among other items. Although they all share the traditional history, and many have similar characteristics, each region of Mexico has specific styles, symbols and wearing costumes. For example in the Yucatan peninsula, where the Mayan civilization flourished, you can find the typical terno which is a costume of three pieces: huipil, jubon, and fustan; A blouse (huipil), a square decorated fabric piece over the head (jubon), and a long skirt to the ankle (fustan).
Modern Mexican Clothing
Finally, we have the modern and contemporary Mexican apparel. This is the new trendy, cool designs with a Mexican touch. Young designers are finding a market for authentic Mexican garments that use the traditional designs and combine them with Mexican graphics and symbols creating beautiful and appealing designs for the world. Today you can find business women wearing a rebozo to work with a stylish embroidered dress, or you can find the male political figures wearing the typical guayabera shirt when meeting their constituents. There are also the Mexican fancy dresses with a western formal design combined with Mexican embroidery and accessories used by women in weddings, graduations and other special occasions.
Mexican Jewelry and Accessories
In addition to Mexican clothing, people appreciate the beauty of Mexican jewelry and accessories. They are all inspired by indigenous traditions, religious customs or a combination of both. Mexico is famous for its silver jewelry designs, and also for it fashion jewelry trends. An example of a new trend is the handcrafted paper jewelry designs made by artisan women in central Mexico. They were able to successfully translate the inspirational paintings made by the Huichol indigenous group into a fun, beautiful and easy to wear accessory.
My name is Jorge Gonzalez, and I am an engineer by education, a manager in an world class multinational corporation, an enthusiast that loves my country (Mexico), and an apprentice of Internet trends.
This article tries to define the different kinds of Mexican clothing for those interested in Mexican culture and trends.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6581849


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